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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - enter


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~ v 1 »GO INTO« a) to go or come into a place  (Silence fell as I entered the room. | Adie was one of the few reporters who had dared to enter the war zone.) b) if an object enters part of something, it goes inside it  (The bullet had entered his brain through the back of his skull.) 2 »START WORKING« to start working in a particular profession or organization  (Andrea is studying law as a preparation for entering politics. | He entered the Church as a young man.) 3 »START TO TAKE PART IN« to start to take part in an activity, for example a course or a game  (Her doctor recommended that she enter a drug treatment program.) 4 »COMPUTER« a) to put information into a computer by pressing the keys  (If a command is entered incorrectly, the machine will not recognize it.) b) if you enter a computer system, you are given permission to use it by the computer 5 »WRITE INFORMATION« to write information on a particular part of a form, document etc  (Enter your name in the space provided.) 6 »COMPETITION/EXAMINATION« to arrange to take part in a race, competition, examination etc, or to arrange for someone else to take part  (I've entered you and Dan in the sack race.) 7 »PERIOD OF TIME« a) to begin a period of time when something happens  (The economy entered a period of recession in the mid 1980s.) b) enter its third week/sixth day/second year etc if something enters its third week, its sixth day etc, it continues for a third week, a sixth day etc  (The talks have now entered their third week.) 8 it never entered my mind/head spoken used when you are very surprised by what has happened  (It never entered my head that he would have a gun.) 9 »CHANGE« if a particular quality enters something, it starts to exist in it and change it, especially suddenly  (A note of panic entered her voice.) 10 enter sb's life if someone or something enters your life, you start to know them or be affected by them  (By the time Angie entered his life, he was almost 30.) 11 »START DISCUSSING« to start to discuss or study a particular subject  (Here we enter a disputed and delicate area of the law.) 12 enter a plea of guilty/not guilty law to say that you are guilty or not guilty of a particular crime in a court 13 enter an offer/complaint/objection etc formal to officially make an offer, complaint etc enter into sth phr v 1 to start doing something, especially discussing or studying something  (This is not the place to enter into a detailed discussion of economic policy.) 2 to affect a situation and be something that you must consider when you make a choice  (Money doesn't enter into it - it's the principle I object to.) 3 enter into an agreement/contract etc formal to officially make an agreement to do something 4 enter into the spirit of it/things to take part in a game, party etc in an eager way enter upon sth phr v formal to start doing something or being involved in it
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  (enters, entering, entered) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you enter a place such as a room or building, you go into it or come into it. (FORMAL) He entered the room briskly and stood near the door... As soon as I entered, they stopped and turned my way. VERB: V n, V 2. If you enter an organization or institution, you start to work there or become a member of it. He entered the BBC as a general trainee... VERB: V n 3. If something new enters your mind, you suddenly think about it. Dreadful doubts began to enter my mind. = cross VERB: V n 4. If it does not enter your head to do, think or say something, you do not think of doing that thing although you should have done. It never enters his mind that anyone is better than him... Though she enjoyed flirting with Matt, it had not entered her head to have an affair with him. VERB: with brd-neg, it V n that, it V n to-inf 5. If someone or something enters a particular situation or period of time, they start to be in it or part of it. The war has entered its second month... A million young people enter the labour market each year... VERB: V n, V n 6. If you enter a competition, race, or examination, you officially state that you will compete or take part in it. I run so well I’m planning to enter some races... He entered for many competitions, winning several gold medals... To enter, simply complete the coupon on page 150. VERB: V n, V for n, V 7. If you enter someone for a race or competition, you officially state that they will compete or take part in it. His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship. ...some of the 150 projects entered for the awards. VERB: V n for n, V-ed 8. If you enter something in a notebook, register, or financial account, you write it down. Each week she meticulously entered in her notebooks all sums received... Prue entered the passage in her notebook, then read it aloud again. VERB: V n with prep/adv, V n prep/adv 9. To enter...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English entren, from Anglo-French entrer, from Latin intrare, from intra within; akin to Latin inter between — more at inter-  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1. to go or come in  2. to come or gain admission into a group ; join — often used with into  3.  a. to make a beginning ~ing upon a career  b. to begin to consider a subject — usually used with into or upon  4. to go upon land for the purpose of taking possession  5.  a. to come onstage — usually used in the subjunctive as a stage direction ~ Hamlet reading  b. to come into a preestablished situation or context like an actor coming onstage — usually used in the subjunctive ~ the new principal with her radical ideas  6. to play a part ; be a factor other considerations ~ when money is involved  transitive verb  1. to come or go into ~ a room  2. inscribe, register ~ the names of qualified voters  3. to cause to be received or admitted ~ a child at a school  4. to put in ; insert ~ the new data into the computer  5.  a. to make a beginning in ~ politics  b. to go into (a particular period of time) ~ middle age  6. to become a member of or an active participant in ~ the university ~ a race  7. to make report of (a ship or its cargo) to customs authorities  8. to place in proper form before a court of law or upon record ~ a writ  9. to go into or upon and take actual possession of (as land)  10. to put formally on record ~ing a complaint  • ~able adjective Synonyms:  ~, penetrate, pierce, probe mean to make way into something. ~ is the most general of these and may imply either going in or forcing a way in ~ed the city in triumph. penetrate carries a strong implication of an impelling force or compelling power that achieves entrance the enemy penetrated the fortress. pierce means an ~ing or cutting through with a sharp pointed instrument pierced the boil with a lancet. probe implies penetration to investigate or explore something hidden from sight or knowledge probed...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 a intr. (often foll. by into) go or come in. b tr. go or come into. c intr. come on stage (as a direction : enter Macbeth). 2 tr. penetrate; go through (a bullet entered his chest). 3 tr. (often foll. by up) write (a name, details, etc.) in a list, book, etc. 4 a intr. register or announce oneself as a competitor (entered for the long jump). b tr. become a competitor in (an event). c tr. record the name of (a person etc.) as a competitor (entered two horses for the Derby). 5 tr. a become a member of (a society etc.). b enrol as a member or prospective member of a society, school, etc.; admit or obtain admission for. 6 tr. make known; present for consideration (entered a protest). 7 tr. put into an official record. 8 intr. (foll. by into) a engage in (conversation, relations, an undertaking, etc.). b subscribe to; bind oneself by (an agreement etc.). c form part of (one's calculations, plans, etc.). d sympathize with (feelings etc.). 9 intr. (foll. by on, upon) a begin, undertake; begin to deal with (a subject). b assume the functions of (an office). c assume possession of (property). 10 intr. (foll. by up) complete a series of entries in (account-books etc.). Derivatives enterer n. Etymology: ME f. OF entrer f. L intrare ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) входить 2) вводить (данные) to enter on queue — вчт. ставить в очередь ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) вводить 2) входить 3) записывать 4) регистрировать to enter a check — ставить крестик, отмечать "галочкой" to enter a climb — авиац. переходить в набор высоты to enter as a debit — экон. дебетовать to enter atmosphere — входить в атмосферу to enter a turn — авиац. вводить в разворот; авто входить в поворот to enter in a log — вносить записи в журнал, регистрировать в журнале to enter into compounds — входить в соединения to enter into controversy — полемизировать to enter a slit — входить в щель to enter a spin — авиац. входить в штопор to enter the clouds — авиац. входить в облака to enter the coordinates — вводить координаты to enter the instrument — вставлять инструмент ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) а) общ. входить, проникать (в какое-л. помещение, место и т. п.), переступать порог б) общ. входить (в ремарках, в пьесах) Enter Prospero. — Входит Просперо (ремарка) в) общ. поступать (в какое-л. учебное заведение); вступать (в какую-л. организацию) г) общ. входить, проникать (о неодушевленных предметах); вставлять The sword entered in his chest. — В его грудь вонзили меч. 2) а) общ. вносить, вписывать, записывать (в список, в реестр и т. п.) See: "enter goods б) общ. фиксировать, регистрировать в) учет вписывать записывать, вводить, заносить данные (на счет, в бухгалтерскую книгу) to enter as an asset — заносить в актив See: "enter goods, "entered value, account, "account book 3) а) общ. делать подавать письменное заявление (о чем-л.) б) юр. начинать (судебный) процесс в) юр. вступать во владение г) юр. незаконно вторгаться (в чью-л. собственность); осуществлять кражу со взломом д) юр., эк. подавать таможенную декларацию, декларировать See: "enter goods 4) а) общ. начинать, браться (за какое-л. дело) б) общ. вступать в отношения в) эк. тр. вступать в должность, принимать на себя (служебные) обязанности г) общ. вступать в какой-л. период жизни ENTER гл. 1) входить 2) поступать 3) записывать 4) вступать (в договор, в дело) • - enter a protest -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. театр. выход (на сцену) 2. редк. вход 3. входить to enter a room —- войти в комнату to enter a house at the front door —- войти в дом с парадного подъезда we were surprised to see a stranger enter —- мы удивились, увидев вошедшего незнакомца enter Hamlet —- входит Гамлет (ремарка в пьесе) to enter into a forest —- войти в лес the idea never entered my head —- эта мысль никогда не приходила мне в голову 4. вступать, входить to enter a battle —- вступить в бой to enter the curve —- спорт. входить в поворот to enter into high society —- попасть в высшее общество to enter into negotiations —- вступать в переговоры to enter into a treaty —- заключать договор to enter into obligations —- принимать на себя обязательства to enter into correspondence —- вступить в переписку to enter into parthership with... —- стать чьим-либо партнером to enter upon a inheritance —- вступить во владение наследством 5. вонзать, втыкать to enter a wedge into a log —- вбить клин в бревно 6. вонзаться, проникать the thorn entered the flesh —- шип вонзился в тело the bullet entered the heart —- пуля попала в сердце 7. поступать, вступать; становиться членом to enter the army —- вступать в армию to enter Catholicism —- принять католичество 8. быть частью, входить в состав water enters into the composition of all organisms —- вода входит в состав всех организмов 9. вписывать, вносить, заносить (в списки);...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the Church принимать духовный сан ENTER v.  1) входить; проникать to enter a room - войти в комнату the idea never entered my head - такая мысль мне никогда в голову не приходила  2) вонзаться the pin entered the finger - булавка уколола палец  3) вступать, поступать to enter a school - поступить в школу  4) вписывать, вносить (в книги, списки); записывать, регистрировать to enter smb. s name - внести чью-л. фамилию (в список, реестр и т.п.) to enter a word in a dictionary - включить слово в словарь to enter a team for the event - внести команду в список участников состязания to enter an event - зафиксировать факт to enter a boy at a school - подать заявление о приеме мальчика в школу to enter at the Stationers Hall - заявить авторское право  5) сделать письменное заявление, представление to enter an affidavit - представить письменное свидетельское показание  6) leg. начинать процесс  7) начинать; браться (за что-л.; тж. enter upon) - enter for - enter into - enter upon ENTER a caveat подать заявление о приостановке судебного разбирательства ENTER for записывать(ся) (для участия в чем-л.) Has Jim entered for the competition? The teacher enters all her students for the examination. The Queen has entered two horses for the famous race. ENTER into  а) вступать to enter into a contract заключать договор to enter into negotiations вступать в переговоры  б) входить; являться составной частью...
Англо-русский словарь
  U.S. gov. abbr. Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank comp. assem. abbr. Enter Stack Frame ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1275, from O.Fr. entrer, from L. intrare, from intra "within." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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